Cold storage business plan...

Hello friends,
    In the last blog I gave you information about Dall mill processing business. In this blog we are taking detailed information about Cold storage business.
   India produces huge amount of agree products every year. But in the lack of our storage facility, lot of food products get rotten. In the specific season farmers yeild is excess.  We can preserve fruits, vegetables, dairy products in our cold storage. Cold chain preserve food by missing any speciality and maintain there quality. We can store foods from 7 days to 6 weeks . We can preserve mangoes, papaya, banana etc.
While fruits like apple, potato,chilly, meat and poultry products etc. stored upto 3 months to 10 months. From storing to reaching in the hands of customer food remains fresh without changing any taste. You can storage van for supplying goods.

Steps used for food storage-
1) Sorting- Sort the damaged food; fruits or vegetables and choose the fresh items.
2) Grading- 
3) Washing- Clean your product by washing.
4)Drying- Dry all the washed foods.
5) Packaging- Package the dried food in plastic box .
6)Store-Now store your packaged food in cold storage room.
Supply this product as per market demand ,by using refregersting van.


           Cold storage business is a high investing business model. Near about 3 to 4cr you have to invest in your project. But gives high returns in few days. And government also provide subsidy of 30 to 40 % . You can give your storage plant by rent to fruits or vegetables vendor. Or may buy fruits , vegetables or dairy products for yourself and by storing on cold storage sell them when their is shortage of product and demand is on this way you can earn much profit.

Labour cost:

To run this project successfully you will need to have about 3-4 skilled ,4 unskilled , 1 operator and 1 accountant respectively. This is very profitable business plan and having less competation . But to run successfully you will need to have proper management , some technical knowledge.


To run any industry you will need to have some location . This is large scale business it requires vast area. Upto 50  thousand sq ft of land is required. If you are taking land by rent then about 30 to 40 lack you have to invest. Choose the location near to target area . Electricity is very important issue for this business. So Availibility of extra power supply is must to run this business.

India is the largest producer of milk and fruits . Along with that we are one of the leading country in the world of agree products like fruits and vegetables while in meat and poultry products also .
    Due to lack of such cooling capacities we are wasting foods in lot of amount. India has a tremendous opportunity by installing such business.


1) Register your firm under ROC (Registration of company)
2)GST REGISTRATION or udyog aadhar
3)Take NOC  from fire and pollution department.
4)MSME Registration- If you do not have essential capital then government will provide you subsidy.



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