
Showing posts from February, 2020

Mashroom Farming business....

In last blog we learnt about Tissue paper making business. In this blog we are going to learn an interesting business which gives you huge income in first few days that is Mashroom Farming business.                      Actually in India there is lot of unemployment and poverty, results in malnutrition. There is need to have nutritious food. Along with that India produces lot of surplus in the form of Agriculture waste.We burn this waste and produces harmful pollution.(Dehli is mostly affected by paddy straw burnt by Punjab and Haryana). We can solve all these above problems unemployment, poverty, malnutrition by using this agree waste as a substrate in Mashroom Farming.                 In devoloping countries market potential of Mashroom is increasing and actually people's of India gaining more attention towards their health. Few years back Mashroom are eaten by richer people's and seens in the dishes of royal societies. But today most of the youngsters are cultivating Ma